The 26-year-old designer - who created the iconic white, one-shouldered gown Michelle wore to celebrate her husband Barack Obama becoming US President – only found out when he saw the ceremony on TV.
Jason said: "I was approached about designing clothes for her so I set to work and then delivered them to the offices myself. But I had no idea she was going to wear any of them. She looked fantastic and I love how it got people talking about fashion - without conversation we don't have fashion."
In March, Michelle appeared on the front cover of US Vogue wearing a magenta silk dress also designed by Jason, but he admits he is yet to be introduced to her.
Jason said: "I was approached about designing clothes for her so I set to work and then delivered them to the offices myself. But I had no idea she was going to wear any of them. She looked fantastic and I love how it got people talking about fashion - without conversation we don't have fashion."
In March, Michelle appeared on the front cover of US Vogue wearing a magenta silk dress also designed by Jason, but he admits he is yet to be introduced to her.
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